
Showing posts with the label science

Scientists warn of new pandemics as never-before-seen microbes are released from melting glaciers

  Scientists warn of new pandemics as never-before-seen microbes are released from melting glaciers   As glaciers across the world continue to melt and release their icy grip on old viruses, bacteria, and other microbes trapped in the ice, scientists are warning of the potential new pandemics that could be sparked by these frozen creatures.   Introduction A team of scientists has warned that a wave of new pandemics could be unleashed as melting glaciers release never-before-seen microbes into the environment. The researchers say that the microbes, which have been locked in ice for thousands of years, could pose a serious threat to human health.   Microbes In The Fridge As the world warms and glaciers melt, long-dormant microbes are being released into the environment – and some of them could potentially start a new wave of pandemics. Scientists are warning that we need to be prepared for the possibility of new diseases, as these previously unknown mic...